Wednesday 6 November 2013

Thinking about context

On monday I had a one to one tutorial with Martin, I feel this has really helped me. He got my aesthetic and encouraged me to continue with my work.
One of the things we discussed was the context of my work, martin suggested I used view finders to look more closely at my designs and work back into certain pieces.
I really liked this idea and I have started to photograph close sections of my work through a dress shaped view finder. I have found that this has enabled me to look at my design in a different way and look at how they could look on a zoomed in larger scale giving them an abstract feel.

I am really pleased with how these have turned out they have allowed me to look at my designs from a different view point. I am also going to experiment with this idea using a larger view finder this will give me another view point of designs and give a change in scale within the designs. In this project I am really trying to focus on scale as it was a key feature of print design in the 60s.
I am going to work into some of the images above printing them out and working back in the prints, I am looking forward to seeing what effect this has on the patterns.

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