Wednesday 27 November 2013

Dissertation Hand In

Today I finally finished my first draft of my dissertation, this felt amazing as writing is defiantly something I would say I struggle with. I really surprised myself with how easily I found writing my draft, which had to be at least 1000 words. I actually wrote over 2000 in the end.
I wrote my introduction which was 700 words then I did an introduction to my first chapter in which I will be explori ng how Celia Birtwell, Barbara Hulunicki and Zandra Rhodes worked in the 60s and what made them the pioneers of that time.
In the second chapter I wrote about how the designers of the 60s are now reinventing there designs for the modern day market. I really found that the words just formed very easily when I was typing, I think this was due to the amount of different resources I used to collate the research to back up my report.
I am nervous to receive my feedback I hope I am on the right track and that I can just continue to write the rest of my Dissertation in the same way that I have my draft.

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