Sunday 3 November 2013

Geometric inspiration

Over the last week I have been focusing on combining my floral designs with geometric shapes. To gain inspiration I decided to look at the way in which Artist have used the idea of geometrics within there work.

The first Artist I looked at was weaver Margo Selby although my work is not linked to hers through technique it is by theme.

I really like the way in which Margo has experimented with scale and different tones of colours together. I think the way that she has worked her designs in to blocks and stripes is very effective, this is something that I am going to experiment with in my work. The colour palette used in the designs is very effective with darker tones being used for the background colours and then bold vivd colours for the foreground really helps the details of the patterns to stand out.
I also think her chose of fabrics, the 2 different types have worked well with block fabrics and reflective fabrics working well together making the patterns very eye catching.

The 2nd artists which I have looked at is a past pupil of the University Rachel Parker. I found her work very inspirational especially how she has used stitch and collage together.

I have found Rachel's work to be very inspirational, in particular her use of stitch and geometric shapes together this is something I am defiantly going to start exploring within my work particularly within my sketchbook, I think this will help with developing ideas. I also like the way she has incorporated block colours in to her design keeping the pattern from becoming to busy.

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