Thursday 1 May 2014

Finished scarf designs

Over the Easter holidays I worked hard to finish my 9 planned scarf designs. I found this to be a challenge, I wanted each design to be different from the next with a change of scale, motif or colour. I found that By setting myself this goal was a very effective way to push myself and enabled me to achieve my goal by the deadline I had set myself.
I am not going to lie this was a hard task I set myself and meant me spending 4 days straight on photoshop. I made a lot more than 9 designs in the end, but many I felt didn't work because of either colour, scale or motif.
Here are the 9 finished designs the square scarves are 100cm by 100cm and long scarves are 90cm by 200cm:

To be printed on Silk satin viscose with the inner green border devored away.

To be printed on silk satin viscose with the white squares devored away.

To be printed on silk satin

To be printed on wool delaine.

To be printed on silk satin viscose with the white dots devored away.

To be printed on wool delaine.

To be printed on silk satin

To be printed on silk satin.

To be printed on wool delaine. 

I am really pleased with these designs, I feel they work well as a collection and I am hopeful they will look eye catching at the degree show drawing viewers attention to my display.

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