Friday 16 May 2014

Scanning Fabric - Sue Foster Inspired

A couple of weeks ago we had a lecture with designer Sue Foster, in which she spoke about the importance of photographing work so it becomes a record for you to reference and is accessible if some one wants an image of your work e.g. applying for a job or an article is being written about you.  Sue had some really interesting ideas for Photographing work one was using a scanner. I really liked this idea and decided to try it out my self.

To create a scanned photograph of her work Sue placed her pieces on the scanner than laid a piece of black cloth on top of her piece replacing the scanner lid. The effects she created was really interesting with shadows and distortion of fabrics. Here are my attempts using her concept:

Some have worked better than others but, I feel that the looks created are really interesting and this is defiantly something I will continue to use as a way of photographing my work. I am going to add these image to my website as well under my Ba 8 project.

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