Thursday 1 May 2014

Group Tutorial

On Tuesday morning we had a group tutorial with nick in which we discussed are plans and work for the degree show. I took this opportunity to show Nick my designs for my scarves by this point I had worked out the costing of the 9 scarves I had planned to print which was a shocking £500. Sadly because of this I have had to cut the number of scarves by 4 having only 5 printed instead of the original 9.
I showed Nick the revised designs and he seamed to approve of them. The only pointers he gave was in regard to my portfolio suggesting I show designs in different colour ways on a memory stick as well as presenting my samples in the collections which I have been creating which made a lot of sense.
Nick also suggested I consider creating some hand printed scarves along side my digital ones which I felt was a good idea and would enable me to show more of my skills.
I feel positive about the direction my work is going in I just need to keep focused for the next 3 weeks. This will hopefully enable me to achieve my goals for both my portfolio work and my degree show work. 

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