Tuesday 20 May 2014

Creating Final Mood Boards

Over the weekend I worked On creating Final mood boards for each of my collections. On each board I aimed to show Inspiration for both colour and pattern, initial drawings and print designs followed by the scanned photos I took inspired by Sue Foster and final context Images with my designs seen as fashion Outcomes.

I planned these boards first On the computer, I set myself the task of choosing between 13-15 images per board at A5 size. I found that this structure allowed me to focus on only showing images which really explain to the viewer my journey through each project.

I still need to come up with names for the 3 collections which I am finding harder than I first thought it would be.
Here are the 3 Final boards which I created:

I kept the format of the three boards the same as I wanted to keep uniformity and the boards to flow from one to another. I really like the black and white boards I feel all the imagery works well together and the final appearance of the board is very eye catching. I plan to add titles to these boards and maybe colour palettes, just to give a finished effect. 

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