Friday 16 May 2014

A1 Collaging

On Sunday I decided to develop my Geometric collaging out of my sketchbook on a larger scale. After my group tutorial with Nick a couple of weeks ago, In which he said to continue to develop my new style of geometric designs, I decided to do this with scale.

To create the collage I used all the old print out of my work I had left, including some of the collages I Created for the Stew exhibit but didn't show at the exhibition. I also used stickers and felt tips to help create the finished look.

I began by creating larger motifs which I could then work around with smaller shapes and lines.

I then turned the collage I so I working at a different view point, this allowed me to make sure the collage flowed.

this shows the mess I made while creating the collage I used a large amount of equipment. 

This is the finished collage, in total it took me 3 hours to create. I am really pleased with the finished effect i feel the colours and textures of the design work really well together. I had thought that I could possible do more of these for the degree show and frame them to sell.

I have only done this one for hand in, I may do another using just black and white but this will depend on time as I still have a lot to do for hand in.

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