Tuesday 20 May 2014

Final Day In The Print Room

On Monday I spent the day In the print room, I took the opportunity to work in to my black and white scarf which I cut up to make 3 samples which Nick advised. I planned the 3 samples, the first I decided to work into with dots and more discharge keeping the idea of a black and white sample.

I really like how this turned out, my plan for after the hand in is to create a new black and white scarf using the idea of this sample. I plan to create the scarf using only circular motifs using the processes of printing with procaine dyes ( navy black and intense black) the using discharge and devore overlaying dots and circles of different scales, I think this will create a really exciting design.

Next I worked into a longer sample which I cut from the scarf, I decided to work into this sample using discharge in both clear and pink which I used on a previous velvet sample. I did this as I wanted to add a pop of colour as that is a current trend of black and white with a dash of a vivd colour. 

I think this worked well, but I prefer the previous sample. I think sections of this sample have worked well, I really like the contrast of the clear and pink discharge against the black procaine background, If I get chosen for new designers this is something I may develop.

The final sample I worked into from the black and white scarf I decided to try working with a floral motif. I once agin used discharge in both clear and pink to create the finished look. I am really pleased with the finished look of this sample, I think that this back ground of geometric shapes works well as a contrast against the floral imagery. 

I really like the layering of the different colours and shapes upon this sample. In particular the 2 tonnes of pink with the devore sections appearing darker. 

Finally I worked into my velvet scarf trying to fix the mistakes that occured while in the print room on thursday last week. I spoke to Yasmine the print technician and she suggested that I paint over the discharge using the direct black dye which I used to dye the velvet in the first place. This worked really well and covered the mistake the best it could have done. Next I printed on top of the devore thistle with the detail of the thistles. I used a discharge paste with a pink dye with the strength of the discharge eating away at the colour but this make the colour of the clear discharge more dull and more suitable to the effect I wanted to create. 

Considering the amount of issues I had with this scarf I am really pleased with the finished effect. I am going to hand it in for assessment I may print a new scarf it will depend on the feedback I get from tutors as to wether I print a new one or not. 

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