Tuesday 20 May 2014

Practicing For The Degree Show

Before hand in on Friday I wanted to have a practice and an experiment of ideas for hanging my work for the Degree Show. I wanted to do this as I am unsure as to when we will get are work back from hand in and I worried that I wouldn't have the opportunity to work my ideas out.

I used fishing wire and bull dog clips to suspend my scarves from the ceiling, draping them from different heights. My hope was to show contrast between fabric, patterns and colours.
Here are some images of the effects I was able to create:

This took me a lot longer to do than I first anticipated, it also was more difficult to drape the scarves than I first thought. I am glad that I tried this out before the day of the hanging. In my plan I also stated that I would use frames as well to get the viewer to focus on a section of the scarves, this however I have yet to experiment with. 
Something which I feel was particularly successful was the draping of the devore scarves, I really like the way you can seeing the pattern of the other scarves behind creating a really interesting visual.
With this being my first experiment I am pleased with how this went, After hand in when I get my scarves back I will practice again so that when I have to hang the work for the show I will be prepared.

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