Friday 9 May 2014

Tutorial With Nick

On Tuesday I had a tutorial with Nick. I took all of my printed scarf designs along with me to show him my designs and discuss edging them. He particularly liked my design on wool, he said he thought the colour and design worked better on the fabric. I can see what he meant as the silk tends to absorb the dye to a point where the design starts to look a little pixilated. however I do love the quality of the silk it really shows the colour off beautifully with a lovely shine.

Nick also gave me some other ideas for my work :

  • Show my designs in more fashion contexts e.g. skirts, tops, trousers etc.
  • Continue to develop geometric mark made designs.
  • Velvet scarf ideas: Print dots as an edge design and then re- dye a different colour. In the centre of the scarf use devore and discharge printing using the light pink dye with the discharge paste. Nick thought this colour was more interesting than normal discharge. 
  • Experiment with of printing dots creating a layered effect. Maybe develop this idea on my black and white scarf design. 
  • Fray the edge of my wool scarf including the natural wool colour with the planned orange edge.
  • When I hand designs in show them as collections e.g: black and white etc.

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