Friday 16 May 2014

Organising My Work

On Friday I decided it was time to organise  my work with my deadline being only 2 weeks away. After my tutorial with Nick I decided to start by organising my samples into collections as he had suggested.
I decided to group the designs on both theme and colour:

This collection shows samples with both floral and geometric motifs seen together with a combination of my colour palettes of black and white and bright and vivd colours. 

This second collection shows my geometric patterns with my black and white colour palette. 

This final collection has samples which have floral motifs combined with my bold and vivd colour pallet.

I am glad that I organised the samples I feel it gives my work more structure and allows the viewer of my to see narrative and development within my designs.

On friday I also worked towards organising the rest of my work from my finishing off work in my sketchbooks to organising the boards within my portfolio. By doing this I enabled myself to see what work I had left to do, and therefore I created the dreaded final to do list. I have to say this is something I was putting off as I was scared of the amount I might have left to be done. Im not going to lie the list was long, but I felt that it was an achievable amount of work for the remaining 2 weeks I had left.

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