Sunday 2 February 2014

Working Back Into My Drawings......

In my previous Project Ba7, I had a tutorial with Jill in which she suggested I scan my drawings into the computer and print them back out allowing me to keep the original and then work back into the drawing developing it further. This is something which I enjoyed doing and because of this I have repeated this idea within Ba8. 
Below are some images of the drawings which I have worked back into using felt tips. I have tried to add texture, patterns and depth to the original drawings allowing the motifs to develop.

I am really pleased with how these have turned out, I used felt tips as it was a medium which I could control. Now that I have scanned these back into the computer I am going to start to develop ideas with photoshop.  I am excited by these drawings and I feel that they show influence from the 60s with a modern edge.

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