Sunday 2 February 2014


In Ba7 I explored the combination of floral motifs with Geometric shapes. I really enjoyed this idea hence why I have continued these themes within my current project Ba8. During Ba7 I had a tutorial with Martin, In which he suggested that I use a view finder on top of my work focusing on a section of the design giving the piece a more abstract look. In Ba7 I developed this idea Using a Dress shaped viewfinder, using this I suggested how my designs may appear in context. 
Below is an image which shows the effect I created:

I then printed these Designs out and worked back into the designs with Geometric designs using felt tips. I felt that this was very effective and I liked the abstract quality the design shows. Due to this success within Ba7 I have decided with my Geometric samples for Ba8 to develop this idea. To do this I have used a view finder upon my Floral drawings which I have then printed out, which has allowed me to work into the close up of the drawings with geometric shapes and lines.
Below are some images of my first experiments: 

My plan is to continue to experiment with this idea further, with other close up images I have. I am going to experiment with the medium i use for the geometric mark making, focusing on scale and detail.  Once I have done this I will develop these Designs on pHotoshop turning them into black and white patterns.
Below is an experiment I did to see if this idea of creating geometrics would work with my chosen colour palette of black and white:

Seeing as this was a first experiment I am really pleased with the way it has turned out! I am very conscience of something Nick said to me In a previous tutorial which is to make sure my digital design have depth and texture. I have been considering how I could add both texture and depth to this design when it is digitally printed; I think to do this I will experiment with flocking and foiling. I plan to use both black and white flock and clear and black foil. I think through experimentation I will able to create some exciting outcomes.

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