Monday 10 February 2014

Digital Designs

My Plan for last week was to complete my first set of digitally experiments. In my learning agreement I stated that I would do at least 9 experiments, focusing on developing ideas from Ba7 using foiling, flocking and devore to add texture and depth to my 2D samples.

Within my first initial digitally designs which I am developing in the print room this week, I have worked hard to create a collection of designs which are linked by theme and colour but all are unique and different from one another. This is something which was pointed out to me in a previous tutorial that I tend to create samples from the same drawings making my samples repetitive and not a sellable collection of designs.

I have created 5 floral designs which have been created from my drawings and developments from my sketchbook. Within these designs I have developed my colour palette from Ba7 with the introduction of red. This collection of floral designs will be developed with the bold colour palette, through devore, foiling and flocking within the print room this week.

I have to admit that the process of creating these designs took me a lot longer than usually, but I think this is because I considered the colour and motif in a lot more detail in the aim to work towards a sellable collection of designs. I am really pleased with how these designs have turned out and i am excited to develop these further in the print room.

I worked in the same way when creating my 5 Geometric designs which where created from my drawings and sketchbook developments. I have worked with a monochrome colour palette within these designs. This is a current colour trend within fashion and was featured hugely in 60s mod designs. I have to say I liked the idea of black and white designs, but at the same time I  wasn't looking forward to the lack of colour as it is an aspect of my design I enjoy. Despite my reservations I am pleased with the finished designs.

I have begun to create my Mix designs But have only completed 3 designs, I feel these are less complete designs this is due to the fact I have only just began to work on developing my themes within my sketchbook so my ideas are less constructed at this stage.

In these designs I have mixed themes and colours, as initial ideas I feel that they look good. I want to develop my ideas within my sketchbook before I make any more designs, this will allow me to experiment with different ideas.

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