Sunday 23 February 2014

Creating An Online Presence

At the beginning of the week we had a PDP session with les discussing are up and coming exhibition at Stew. We discussed create an online presence and different ways to do this. 

  • Facebook
  • Instagram 
  • Blogs 
  • Websites
I have done all the above bar a website. After having a discussion with fellow students, I decided that Weebly would be the best website to use to set up my own online presence in the form of a website.

Here are some screen shots of my website which I am still in the process of creating:

This first page will be my home page which has tabs to navigate to the other pages. It will have images of my work showcasing my style and skills.

The next page is a statement about me and my style of working. Letting the viewer now what my goals and aesthetic is as a designer. I need to change the image on this page to one of my own work.

This 3rd page is where the viewer can contact me or leave feedback in regards to my work or offering me work.

This last page will have images of any wards I have won or been commended for e.g. the scarf competition in year 2 in which I was commended for my design. I will also include images of precious project work to show versatility. Finally i will have my cv including images from work placements. 

From making this website which I have yet to publish as can be seen in the images it is currently in a very raw state. I found that I lacked images of work which showcased my work in a professional style. Because of this I am seeking a photographer to photograph my work so I can use the images on my website.

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