Sunday 23 February 2014

Business Cards

With the Exhibiton at Stew Gallery approaching, I have been looking into getting some business cards printed. During my placement with Textile Designer Lucie Summers last year, she spoke to me about branding and reaching a wider audience with my work. We discussed different websites for business cards she highly recommend Moo Print. 

This week we hand a PDP session with Les in which we discussed displaying our work at Stew and Business cards, following on from this I decided that it was the right time to get my business cards designed and printed. 

Over the past 2 years I have visited both New Designers and the Degree show at multiply Universities, through these visits I have collected Students Business cards.  To help me design my cards I looked at this collection I had gathered looking at what I felt had worked well layout wise and identifying the information I needed to put on the card e.g. contact information. 

I have to say I found the process of designing my cards a lot of fun. Here are some images of my final designs I chose 6 of my designs to grace the cards 2 from each collection I am working on.

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