Monday 3 March 2014

Website Update

Since getting my Photos back from the photo shoot I arranged of my work, I have been updating my website getting it ready to publish before the stew Exhibition.

Home page - I have added images which Martin took of my Samples from Ba7. The images show my use of colour, pattern and detail.
About page - This page tells the viewer about me and my style of working. The image on this page is of my Ba8 samples for Stew Gallery which I took myself.

Contact page - this page allows for the viewer to leave feedback on my work, or get in contact in regards to a job or a commision.

 Portfolio page - This page has images from my last three project. This allows me to show my style of work through three separate projects. The image of my work for Ba8 where taken myself the rest are from the photo shoot Martin Grayling ( did for me.

 CV page - This page is still under construction I am planning to add my written cv which I am still in the process of composing. 

 I am pleased with how my website is coming together, the new images have created that professional look That I was wanting to achieve.

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