Sunday 30 March 2014

Tutorial With Allison Willoughby

On Tuesday afternoon I had a Tutorial with Textile Artist Allison Willoughby. This went really well and she was very complimentary about my work which is always lovely to hear. I discussed My plans for the coming weeks and my plans for the degree show and when I graduate. 

Things that we discussed:

  • Using different materials to digitally print onto: This is something I know I need to address and is something Nick discussed with me in my last tutorial. ( I  spoke to Niel about this asking which fabrics he suggested for digitally printed scarfs, From this discussion I have decided to have some of my scarfs printed on Both silk satin, silk satin viscose( which I can devore) and wool)
  • Market research: Allison suggested that I look at scarfs which are being sold at the moment, looking at scale of print, materials used and size of prints. ( I think this will be very helpful, to the designing of my scarfs.)
  • Scale: Allison pointed out that the spots in my design get smaller in scale but don't go very large in scale. This is something which I am going to address and go bolder with the spots I use increasing their scale.
  • Introduce tonal colours: Allison suggested I use tonal colours within my designs, as a large colour palette will not be to every ones taste. I really like this idea, I will do some colour research before I introduce this into my work.
  • Scarf design layouts: I showed some of my initial scarf designs to Allison, she liked an edge design I had created suggesting that I create scarfs that have all the patterns at the edge and a blank centre. I liked this idea I thought that within the block centre of the scarf I may devore patterns into the fabric to add a subtle pattern.
  • Foiling on a scarf?!: I asked Allison's opinion on the use of foiling on a scarf. She said that I could use it but would be best in small sections as to prevent irritation to the wearer. 
  • How many scarfs?: I said to Allison I was thinking about making 10 scarfs for the degree show she said to make 30! I think that would be sadly out of my budget. I am aiming to create between 10-20 scarfs. The quantity will rely on budget, time and designs.
  • Selling price: the last thing we discussed was the selling price of my scarfs. I suggested the same as the scarfs I sold at the Norwich scarf event in year 2 which was £95, Allison said I should raise this price as I now have more experience and as they will be my graduate pieces. She suggested I sell them for at least £120. If you sell anything at the degree show the university take 25% of the sale so this is something I will have to factor into the price.

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