Sunday 27 October 2013

Writing a good introduction

Today I had Context studies, in which we discussed what makes a successful introduction to a dissertation.
To do this we got into our groups and had to look at past successful dissertation intros and decided and dissect what we thought the successful aspects where.

The aspects to a good introduction are:

  • Intro is the place for definitions
  • No vague statments
  • Be clear on what I intend to explore within my dissertation
  • Outline each chapter giving a brief idea of its content
  • Include primary research such as gallery visits etc
  • Talk about my practice
  • My personnel view
  • Italics can be used to define a word and emphasis its importance
  • Images can be used to explain my question but it is not there as decoration
  • Bold opening statements work well to catch readers attention
  • Discuss the past, present and future
  • Quotes can be used
For our homework we have to start to write the introductions to our dissertation, writing at least 200 words. I am going to use the above aspects to help me structure and write hopefully a successful start to my dissertation.

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