Tuesday 8 October 2013


So today I had my first contextual studies lesson, I left feeling very stressed as all lesson we discussed the dreaded D word. Dissertation!!  Unlike others on my course writing is not something I would call a skill, I am dyslexic and therefore struggle with writing exercises.

My report should be 5000 words and it should inform and support my studio practice, it should communicate my thoughts with reasoned argument and should be sourly based on research.
We went through the different types of reports we can do:
  • Style 1: extended essay
  • Style 2: industry report
  • Style 3: technical report
  • Style 4 reflective report
  • Style 5: reportage 
I felt most interested in doing either an extended essay or a reflective report. I know that within my dissertation I want to explore the themes of digital printing and traditional screen printing.
Within an extended essay I can cover:
  • Sustainability 
  • Materials and design
  • Fashion and design 
  • Dialogues between consumers
  • Craft, tradition and history
  • Impact of new technology
Within in a reflective report the aim is to directly address my practice. Within the report I should include relevant theories or historical references. In the report I should give an holistic view of my studio practice.

 I feel that within these styles I would be able to explore my theme of printing in a interesting way.
My plan is to research my theme and create a mood board/mind map this will enable to focus my ideas. I feel that planning and timing is going to be key to the success of my dissertation, I feel that by creating a mind map I will able to plot the chapters of my report out and this will also enable me to see if I have enough research to carry me through 5000 words.

At the moment I have 2 possible titles the first is:
  • Why are designers leaning toward digital techniques compared to traditional printing methods?
  • Is digital printing taking over from traditional methods or can they continue to work together to create unique styles of design?
I am going to continue with my research into printing creating the mind maps as I said to help me see which title I can carry through best. For my research I am going to try and use a wide variety of sources this will help my research to be in depth and allow me to find the best information to inform the writing and structure of my dissertation.
I am not feeling to positive about all of this yet, I am hoping that my research is going to improve my confidence and help me get kick started in the right direction, ready for my first draft of 1000 Words which is due on the 22nd of November! 5 weeks and counting.......

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