Sunday 27 October 2013

Combining florals and geometric shapes

Over the last couple of days I have started to combine my floral designs with geometric shapes. I have started to do this through both digital techniques as well as by hand through collage. Below are some images showing some of my developments.

Here I have started to combine my floral digital images with simply geometric shapes, I did this as initial experiments to see how my 2 ideas would combine together. I am pleased with how this have turned out. I need to keep developing these further something I am very wary of is making sure you can see the main pattern is of flowers. I don't want the designs to become to abstract. 

This is a collage which I created by cutting a triangular pattern out of one of my floral designs and then I layered on top of another to create the effect shown. I am pleased with the finished effect even if it did take me 2 hours to cut out !!

Here I used the triangles which I cut from the last collage with dot stickers to create a geometric pattern which combines florals, circles and triangles together I feel this has been suss full. I partially like the effectiveness of the dots, this is something which I am going to develop further. I am going to scan these collages into the computer and develop them further using photoshop. I feel this will enable me to create some interesting effects.

Here are some more experiments of digitally combing my floral images with geometric shapes. Within these I have started to experiment with scale and composition. I particularlly like the patterns where I have combined different geometric shapes together.

These are 2 of my favourite digital prints in which I have combined my floral and geometric patterns together. My hope is to have these digitally printed on to silk. I feel that these 2 designs our finished as they are and I feel that if I worked further into them they would become over designed.

In this collage I have started to develop my use of the stickers. I feel that they have worked well here with the digital design enhancing the pattern which I created on the computer.

My plan is to continue to develop the ideas which I have talked about above. Another way in which I am going to develop my work is by taking my floral designs into the print room using the sublimation printer. My plan is to experiment with combining my floral designs with geometric shapes using flocking, foiling, Devore and disperse dyes. I have handed my designs to Neil and have booked into the print room for monday. All I need to do now is to create my geometric patterns for my screens.

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