Friday 11 October 2013

Learning Agreement

Today I have been trying to type up my learning agreement ready for my tutorial with Les on monday. I have to say it has taken me longer than I would have hoped, however  I am pleased with what I have achieved.
Instead of just writing a draft I have typed everything up, I feel that by doing this I can show Les my exact plans and therefore the feedback I receive, I feel will be more Constructive. This will also allow me to make changes easily ready for the first draft hand in of my learning agreement on thursday 17th October.

I Did struggle slightly with writing the week by week section of what I intend to do as i wasn't sure if I had to include my plans for my dissertation. Another thing I was unsure about was competitions, as I know I want to enter the bradford but this isn't till march and this project hands in on the 29th November, so am unsure if it needs to be included in this learning agreement ?? These are things I am going to bring up in my tutorial with Les.
I found that having already gone to library and looking for inspiration on Pinterest helped me write an in depth description of what I want to explore and where I am going to take inspiration from. Also for a guide I looked at the learning agreement I created for Ba6 last year I found this helped me a lot as well, I also used the diagram which I created on Monday stating my interests and ambitions for the project.
All in all I am pleased with the Learning agreement I have written and I will interested to see what Les makes of it on monday.

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