Monday 7 October 2013

hello year 3

I have to say I wasn't looking forward to going back to uni today !! This is mainly due to how stressed I get, however I have come away today feeling really up beat and positive :)
The first project this year is very flexible allowing me to choose my own theme, the main theme of Ba7 is to allow me to develop and hone my skills. As Les said its our last project to really experiment and to become an expert at what we love to do.

For me this is printing, my hope and aims for Ba7 are that i am able to learn and develop my skills within the print room, as well as this I want to continue developing my skills using digital techniques such as the CAD machine, laser cutter (which i have never used, but I feel this technique could take my work to the next level) and the digital fabric printers.
the main things I need to consider within Ba7 are:

  • research
  • planning
  • time management 
  • reflective journal
  • context
  • assessment 
I have found through my years at uni the importance of research, good and in depth research forms the backbone of a project and the stronger it is the more thought out and developed my work becomes. I know that research is going to be the key to success within to my dissertation. When I went to uni today I had know clue what I was going to base my dissertation on!! however I have come away today knowing that I want my contextual studies to based around the modern and traditional forms of printing and how the 2 can work together, this is a theme which I want to explore within my studio work and therefore it feels like a natural progression for it to became the soul focus of my dissertation.

Planning and time management are both things which i really focused on in my last project of year 2 Ba6, through writing a learning agreement I was able to write a detailed plan of my ideas and concepts down, along with a week by week timetable of goals and targets which i needed/ wanted to meet. through writing a learning agreement i was able to remain focused and achieve the goals which I had set myself, I feel that a this allowed me to be creative and organised at the same time. Therefore I am feeling positive about writing my learning agreement for Ba7 which I am hoping to have the first draft of ready for my tutorial on Monday.

For Ba7 I had no clue of what I wanted to achieve or explore when I woke up this morning, which was a very scary feeling, despite this I am now feeling positive and eager to start. I found the table Les got us to write very helpful with this.

Above is my table on this I have written the process I enjoy, where I look for inspiration from others, the materials I like to use, my ambitions for the year and this project, the context/audience that I want my work to be used for/viewed by, what I want to have achieved by the end and finally the title of the project. this was the only part I struggled with as I didn't know what theme I wanted to use for my work, however on my drive home I started to get ideas of possible themes. at the moment I am leaning towards a 60s theme, as I love to use bold colours as well as geometric patterns and flowers. This is still a rough idea which I am going to start to explore and research into further.

As for the reflective journal I am going to write it on my blog which is what I am doing now :) this is the first year that i have had a blog and therefore the first year which I am writing my pdp here online.

Finally assessment, which I am not thinking about that part yet, submission for this project is on the 29th of November. I just want to give this project my all and really do myself proud and mainly I want to have fun and enjoy my final year of uni before I'm out there in the big world on my own.

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