Sunday 27 October 2013

Having a plan is the key

I feel that the key to success is to have a plan, I know this doesn't work for everyone but for me this is what can make my project successful. It helps me to keep focused and on track.
I have just handed my final draft of my learning agreement in, within this I had to write a week by week plan of what I am going to do, I feel so far that I have been treading water and lacking focus. So to start the week off in the right way I have written my plan for the week up in a larger scale and hung it in my room.

In my plan I have written what I want to have achieved by the end of each day, while and University and at home.
I am hopeful that by doing this I am enabling myself to become more most efficient self, and that I will allow myself to achieve the goals and ambitious which I have set my self in my learning agreement. If this is as successful as I am hoping it will be then I shall continue to do this every week.

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