Tuesday 8 April 2014

Print Room Wednesday

On wednesday I spent the morning re-dying one of my velvet samples. After my group crit I went and spoke to Niel about how I could mute the pink of the discharge I used. In my group crit Nick said he wasn't keen on the Pink, Niel suggested I re-dye the sample using a red direct dye, he said that this would tone down the pink.
I personally really liked the pink of the sample but I liked the idea of experimenting with re-dying the sample. I haven't really developed my Dying skills since we learnt them in year 1, I have to say that I have enjoyed re-discovering dying within my work especially with my velvet samples.

I wanted to test this idea of re-dying the sample before I put the whole sample in, so I cut a section of the sample and dipped in the dying leaving it to test what effect the re-dying would create. I liked the effect the re-dying had created particularly how I had only tested it on half of the strip of the sample creating an ombre effect. I decided to use this idea and dye the rest of the sample only dying half to create an ombre effect.

I am really pleased with the finished effect, I will defiantly develop this idea of readying the discharged areas of my velvet samples.

With the test piece I dyed, I experimented with seeing what foiling looks like on velvet. I experimented with four foils:

  • clear
  • blue
  • black
  • pink

They all worked, but the heat press made the velvet go very flat loosing it texture, which is a shame.

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