Tuesday 8 April 2014

Photo Copying

On Friday I had the opportunity to go with my mum to work and use the Photocopier. I shouldn't be aloud near a photocopier, I go a bit crazy and get carried away. 

I used this opportunity to scan sections of my A1 drawings, I plan to use these in the same way I did before working back into them using paint, felt tips and stickers developing them into geometric designs.

My sketchbook is very full and after my previous sketchbook for Ba7 falling apart I have decided to buy a new sketchbook for new work for the degree show. The work I have created since stew will go in this sketchbook, I feel this will help me to keep the imagery fresh and make my designs for the degree show separate from my samples which I created for stew. I am hopeful by doing this I will create a large portfolio of work which I plan to use help me get a job in the textile industry. 

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