Tuesday 8 April 2014

Group Crit

On Tuesday we had a group crit in which we discussed our projects and plans for the degree show. This was with both Jill and Nick, at the beginning of the session we where given a sheet to fill in which we then discussed are plans with each other as a group.

Im not sure I can say that this session helped me or not. I think if anything I left feeling confused. Jill questioned my plans for the degree show saying "Did I want to be known as a scarf designer". I tried to explain how I felt, that by making scarfs I was creating a body of work which could be sold at the degree show, but at the same time allowed the viewer to still see my skills of combining colours, scale and patterns allowing them to view the scarves as samples as well. Nick had a different opinion to Jill, he encouraged my plans to create scarfs and said I should be bold with my designs. He said I should experiment with scale and create large scarfs which I could show as lengths showcasing my repeat skills. 

They both agreed that I should undertake Market research which is something Allison Willoughby had encouraged me to do in my last tutorial. I am planning on visiting London on the 21st of April visiting Hermes, Liberty's and Selfridges. I will use this opportunity to look at: 
  • Material choices
  • Scale of design
  • Labeling
  • Displaying of scarves for inspiration for the degree show
  • Edging
I also took the velvet samples which I created last week using discharge and devore techniques. They thought this was very interesting and encouraged me to develop this further. Nick wasn't keen on the pink discharge I used, after to speaking to Niel about this I am planning on redying the sample red to mute the vividness of the pink. 

While I am in London I am also going to visit the V&A looking at the african masks for inspiration for my geometric designs. I am also planning on visiting The Glamour Of Italian Fashion exhibition.

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