Saturday 25 January 2014

Drawing Abstract Florals

This week I have begun to use the inspiration I have gathered to inspire my floral drawings. I have used a range of media experimenting with watercolour, gouache, fabric paints, wall paints, inks, biro, and felt tips.

Below are images of some my drawings:

The above drawing is a mono print using a combination of different paint types, I tried etching into the paint before printing the mono print, i did this to add texture it didn't work how I planned but i think the end result is good.

The above drawing is a felt tip drawing using kure colour felt tips. I have tried to simplify the floral motif just drawing key aspects. I used two tones of colour to add depth to the design, I am hopeful this design will work well when developed on the computer. 

This drawing and the one below are both mono prints to create both of these I used a paint brush and painted straight onto acetate. The above image I printed the design twice hence why the second is paler in colour. I feel the experiment of using more than one colour worked well in the above design. In the drawing below I am pleased with the finished drawing I like the effect the mono print has created in particular the texture.

Both the drawing above and the one below where created using a combination of watercolour, gouache and ink. I really like the different tones of colour which I have been able to create. I would say that these drawings have been successful but i feel they are more realistic representation of florals than abstract.

This drawing above was created by looking directly and flowers and cutting what I saw out of paper. I was inspired to do this from the 60s patterns which I have been looking at. Most of the design are very simply block shapes and this above drawing is my interpretation of that. I feel this has worked well and I am keen to continue to develop this drawing style.

 In both the drawing above and the below I have used felt tips to create mark making drawings of florals. I was inspired to do this from my visual research of abstract styles of floral drawings. I am really pleased with both these drawings, I think they look really interesting and show my theme of florals in an abstract style which is exactly what I want to achieve.

This drawing above was inspired by the Collier Campbell Archive book which I recently bought.  I have used a combination of watercolour and gouache. I pleased with this drawing in particular I like the way I worked into the negative space with the blue water colour I feel it has finished the drawing off.

This coming week I am going to continue to draw florals, using ideas that I feel have been successful above.  My plan is to scan some of my drawings in and then print them out and work back into them developing them further. This is something I did in Ba7 and i feel it worked well.

For my Geometric drawings I plan to use a view finder to take pictures of close ups of my floral drawings, I will then print these out and then work back into them using geometric marks and shapes. I did something similar to this in Ba7 and I am keen to develop the idea further. I feel by doing this my theme will blend well together.

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