Saturday 25 January 2014

Collier Campbell ...... Feeling Inspired

When I got my feedback for Ba7 it was recommended that I look at the book The Collier Campbell Archive. I had been previously been introduced this book when I was on my placement with Lucie Summers. I received some book tokens from christmas so decided to invest in the book.

I can say that this book has been a true inspiration. The way the patterns in book show pattern and texture is really interesting. I have particularly enjoyed looking at the floral designs.

With these floral designs I have been inspired to use and develop my abstract floral motifs with paint using watercolours and gouache together. It has also made me look at the flowers I am drawing with a more simplistic point of view. Looking at the basic aspects of the flower has allowed me to create more abstract imagery which shows clear inspiration from Collier Campbell.

I also looked at the way they created Geometric patterns, I found their designs to have bold colours making them feel very playful. I also enjoyed looking at the way they have experimented with scale within their designs creating a contrast within the motifs they where creating. This is something I am keen to develop within my designs, I believe that scale can play a large part in the success of a design.

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